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Kristin Bundesen, PhD
May 30, 2023
Did Elizabethan men recognize women's political power?
Ladies-in-waiting's political engagement was in no sense a part of their office, but was how Elizabeth managed the business of her court.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
May 20, 2023
When men play women on stage, what are gender expectations?
What exactly were gender expectations in the 16th century? An unmarried woman ruled for 45 years - this was a violation of gender norms.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Nov 8, 2022
Cor Rotto: A Novel of Catherine Carey Knollys - New edition
Cor Rotto: A Novel of Catherine Carey Knollys 2nd edition including foreword by moi now available.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Dec 7, 2021
Elizabeth Treviannon Carey
Robert Carey claimed he married his cousin Elizabeth more for her worth than her wealth. The queen was furious.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Nov 17, 2021
Katherine Carey Knollys
Katherine was the daughter of Mary Boleyn, and therefore the queen's cousin if not her half sister.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Sep 20, 2021
How I became an historian
How I became an historian. I met Karen in a community seminar titled "If Rousseau were a woman".

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Mar 19, 2021
Adventures of an historian - in which she impersonates a political analyst
I am a bit aghast that I agreed to impersonate a political analyst for a lecture on Elizabeth I.
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