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Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Dec 3, 2023
Another book hits the wall
Go to my substack to find out which one Well, here's the first bit . . . This time, it was The Boleyns by Amanda Harvey Purse. I was...
Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Sep 19, 2023
And so it begins
The slow migration to Substack has begun Dear Reader, I've started the slow migration to Substack. I've been convinced by those that...

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Jun 22, 2023
Is history factual, or just another form of fiction?
Highlights from the Understanding Diversity in the 15th and 16th Century conference, Edinburgh, Scotland April 2023. The last in this series

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
May 30, 2023
Did Elizabethan men recognize women's political power?
Ladies-in-waiting's political engagement was in no sense a part of their office, but was how Elizabeth managed the business of her court.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
May 23, 2023
Women as actors on the political stage
Highlights from the Understanding Diversity in the 15th and 16th Century conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, April 2023.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
May 20, 2023
When men play women on stage, what are gender expectations?
What exactly were gender expectations in the 16th century? An unmarried woman ruled for 45 years - this was a violation of gender norms.
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