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Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Mar 19, 2021
Adventures of an historian - in which she impersonates a political analyst
I am a bit aghast that I agreed to impersonate a political analyst for a lecture on Elizabeth I.
Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Mar 11, 2021
Historian survives Modern Language Association party
It's over! Paper written, revised, tinkered with, and delivered! Just to refresh my faithful readers' memories, the paper was titled...
Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Mar 9, 2021
Historian crashes Modern Language Party
I am pleased and terrified to announce that I will be presenting a paper title "Painting the 16th century" at NeMLA
Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Dec 4, 2020
2 - Beautiful Mary
What if Mary was not a complacent door mat but a skilled courtesan in the French tradition?
Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Sep 19, 2020
1. Mary: Mother
This is an experiment in story-telling. It starts with the mother, Mary. She was from a well-known, and increasingly prominent family.
Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Sep 13, 2020
Katherine Carey Howard, Baroness Effingham, Countess of Nottingham
Katherine Carey Howard served at court throughout Elizabeth's reign moving from a maid to groom of the stool.
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